Is There a Best Diet For Weight-loss?

What is the best diet for weight-loss?

There are so many diets out there, how do you know which one is the best? Furthermore, every individual is different and what works for one person might not work for another. Without getting into the specifics of different diets we will say one thing is always constant when it comes to losing weight. You must be in a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. This means you have to be burning more calories than you are consuming. Now there are so many different diets out there from vegan to keto and it can be hard to identify which one will be best for you.

The Key is to determine a balanced diet that you can sustain over the long period (staying away from yoyo diets)! I apologize for not providing the secret step by step diet to make you shed pounds, I truly believe it depends on finding a healthy balance which will work for you.

Watch the video below to catch some of our insights!

Diet Red Flags

If you are looking into a diet and hear some of these phrases or descriptive words…. you might want to look a little deeper:

  1. Number 1 Diet
  2. Lose weight Fast
  3. Proven best diet for muscle gain
  4. No other diet compares

Dieting mistakes to avoid

The biggest red flag is if the diet omits any major macro nutrients! unless you have consulted a Dietary nutritionist and there is a reason to do so. It is not a good idea to omit and major maco nutrient from your diet.

Often times fad diets or “diet cults” will make false or very exaggerated claims in order to try and get more people to follow their diet. I would highly recommend reading the book Diet Cults. It runs through how diets have developed over time and breaks down advantages and disadvantages of different diets with an underlying message relaying the importance of an agnostic approach to eating.

A lot of diets start to become a group or following. Their are Facebook community groups and socials for people following that diet and it becomes more about fitting in then health and longevity.

In Conclusion, take an agnostic approach. Look to balance and find a healthy diet that you can adhere to over the long term. Check out a beginners guide to macronutrients.