Show Me The Ropes – Upper Body Workout

I put three exercises together to form this upper body workout.

  1. Weighted pull from plank position
  2. Rope climb
  3. Battle ropes

Go through each exercise, then take a 45 – 60 second break in-between.

Check out the video below to see the workout.

Weighted Pull

The weighted pull works your abs, back and biceps.  It is important to keep your abs and whole core engaged to maintain a neutral spine and hip position. Your back and biceps will be working during the pull portion of the exercise.

Rope Climb

There are a number of variations for the rope climb, commonly you may see people using their legs to help stabilize and generate momentum to help push their body up the rope. I chose to use just my arms to focus more on back and biceps.

Battle Ropes

Lastly, with the battle ropes I would recommend starting with 20 seconds and working your way up from there. Battle ropes are a great way to develop muscular endurance.