Overcoming Barriers For Making Healthy Eating Choices

Fruits and weight scale

Barriers To Healthy Dietary Choices

Do you struggle with eating healthy? This article will help you overcome some of your barriers for making healthy eating choices.

1.Dislike Vegetables

The taste of vegetables is not for everyone but the nutritional benefits are!

  • There are so many different vegetables out there, get a little adventurous and try out the different types to find some you are willing to eat.
  • If you can’t stand eating vegetables by themselves mix them into foods like sauces, soups and stir fry in order to mask them a little bit.
  • When eating out try choosing a vegetable side other then fries with your main.


The cost of vegetables can add up, but so can hospital bills if you don’t lead a healthy lifestyle.

    • Buy fruits and vegetables when they are in season. In season veggies are usually cheaper and the taste better!
    • Buy frozen veggies.
    • Check flyers for coupons and promotions.

3.Don’t Know What To Eat

Focus on a good balance between your macro and micro nutrients refer here to learn more.

  • Refer to Canada’s food guide.
  • Keep intake of high sugar food and beverages down.
  • Avoid trans fats.
  • Learn how to read nutrition food labels.

4.Eating out

Sometimes it is hard to stay healthy when eating out.

  • Order water.
  • Watch the restaurants portion sizes.
  • Chose a side such as a salad and ask for dressing on the side so you can control it.
  • Choose foods that are grilled, steamed or broiled opposed to foods fried in oil.
  • Avoid buffets as they promote over eating.

5.Can’t or Don’t Drink Milk

There are alternatives to still get the benefits and your calcium intake.

  • look towards yogurt, soy milk or low fat cheese.
  • If you are lactose intolerant you can get lactose free, or almond milk.
  • Incorporate mild and dairy products into food like smoothies, pudding, and soups.

Give these recommendations a try and stay healthy and happy!

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