How to Get Faster – Full Body Workout

sled push to get faster

Importance of Strength

If you want to get faster you need to get stronger, improving form will definitely help. It is key to train your fast twitch muscle fibers and build a strong base.

Speed training is great and very important, but many people neglect strength training and wonder why they are hitting plateaus. Speed training and strength training should go hand in hand. A nice analogy is taking a car with great horsepower. It has a good base and you can fine tune it and accessorize it to make it optimal. If you take a car with bad horsepower and fine tune it. The second car will never be as fast as the first because it is lacking the strong horsepower to begin with. The same goes for athletes, you need to have strong fast twitch muscle fibers, then you can fine tune your training in order to get faster.

Try the full body workout below. This workout is designed to target your fast twitch muscle fibers and develop strength.

The workout is split into two parts Upper body and lower body.

For the upper body component you will be doing two exercises

1. Med ball slams with an oblique throw

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart keep your core engaged and quickly drive the ball towards the ground. Recover the ball then shift your weight powering the movement through your obliques, use a rotational twist to throw the ball at the wall. This is going to work primarily your core and your back.

2. Battle Ropes

The battle ropes will help you to develop your muscular endurance. Keep your chest up, knees slightly bent and palms facing each other.  Using alternative arms lift the ropes up and down simultaneously for 20 second intervals.

The legs portion of the workout also has two exercises.

1. Sled Push & Pull

The sled is an amazing tool for athletes. It is a great functional tool with many benefits that include improving acceleration, strength and explosive power. It also often requires less recovery time because there is no eccentric portion to the movement meaning less wear and tear.

2.Kettle Bell Swings

Kettle bell swings are a great way to target your glutes and hamstrings. It is really important to focus on a hip extension rather than squatting. The power should come from your legs not your arms.

Split the workout up between the upper and lower body.

For the upper body Super set the Med ball slams with the alternating battle ropes

3-5 sets – 10 -12 reps med ball slam x 20 second intervals of battle ropes

For Lower Body

3-5 sets sled push & pull

3-5 sets of kettlebell swings

You can vary the workout based on your fitness level.