What Gym Exercise Can Be Deadly If Done Wrong?

When working out form should always be a top priority! Now I know some people will click on this article already expecting me to list exercises like deadlifts, squats, and cleans etc. Yes, for those compound lifts it is important to do the exercise correctly so that you don’t increase the risk of injury. That goes with any exercise.

The Importance of Proper Form

When you are young you often don’t think about the implications of lifting 5,10 or even 20 years down the road. We all know exercise is good for the body. But the issue is when we let ego take over and prioritize quick gains over proper form.

This can be a recipe for disaster as it can increase your risk of injury in the short term, but also cause joint issues as you age.

Quick checklist to ask yourself when you are lifting:

  • Do I feel pain beyond soreness?
  • Am I consistently grinding out lifts causing a form breakdown?
  • Do I consistently feel burnt out after training?
  • Am I losing tension or stability during my lifts?

If you answer yes to any of these questions then that will be a sign you should review your form and make sure you are lifting properly when exercising.

Check out these 10 Commandments of Strength Training

Proper form and strength training

Finding the right coach can be an important factor in helping you to optimize your lifts. Additionally, this can go beyond just making sure you are lifting correctly but also making sure you are lifting as efficiently as possible which can help you to move more weight and become a better lifter.

Strength training is a skill which takes practice and you get better with time by focusing on specificity.

Are looking to improve your form in the big 3 lifts squat, bench and deadlifts?

Here are some helpful links:

The comprehensive deadlift guide

Improve your bench press with leg drive

How to set up your squat to lift heavier

What gym exercises can be deadly if done wrong?

Compound lifts like deadlifts, squats, and cleans where you are working multiple muscles groups at the same time. While also moving having movement occur at different joins while having to keep your core and spine stable will be more detrimental if done incorrectly. With that being all form needs to prioritized for all exercises to promote your long term wellbeing!