Pull-up Progressions

pull ups

Pull-ups are a great way to build strength and muscle in your back, while also engaging your biceps and forearms.

Can’t do Pull-ups?

We have two great progressions you can use to help build up the strength to do full pull-ups

  1. Resistance band assisted pull-ups – Attach a resistance band to the top of the pull-up bar. Put your knee in the band and perform full rep pull-ups. Depending on where your fitness level is at you can use stronger or lighter resistance bands. The resistance band will help you on the way up, while you are building up your muscles through the full range of motion of a pull-up.
  2. . Negative Pull-ups – Use a bench to start at the top of pull-up and perform 4 seconds negatives, slowly lowering your body to the starting position of a pull-up. When you are at the bottom step back up onto the bench, and repeat. It takes a great amount of strength control and concentration to repeatedly perform negative pull-ups. This will help to develop the strength to do full pull-ups.

Watch the video below to see how to do these pull-up progressions.