Is CrossFit Good or Bad?


There has been a lot of controversial talk regarding CrossFit.

CrossFit has taken a bit of a beating by the internet over the years! There is no doubt there are advantages and disadvantages to the sport. You can get phenomenal workouts in from doing CrossFit and you can get into great shape. Like everything there are also risks as there a lot of very technical movements like Olympic lifts which can take years to master.

In the video below we  discuss the benefits, risks and the structure of a CrossFit Workout with CrossFit Trainer Jake Domm.


Here are some Pro’s and cons of the growing discipline


Difficulty. CrossFit uses high intensity interval training which is an effective way to improve muscular strength and cardio-vascular endurance.

Nutrition. For the most part CrossFit Communities promote and emphasize the importance of healthy nutrition in order to power their workouts and foster a healthy balanced lifestyle. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy oils, and complex carbohydrates is a healthy way to go.

Community. The CrossFit community is very encouraging to all of it’s members. Peer support helps to encourage consistency in participation which aslo helps with retention. CrossFit has been very effective in making everyone feel welcome no matter your fitness level.

Portability. Yes, a lot of CrossFit workouts need specific equipment. On the other hand, CrossFitters learn how to utilize their own body weight to make great exercise routines anywhere, anytime. There is no excuse not to workout, if you are not at a gym.


Risk of Injury. Due to the complexity of some of the exercises there may be a higher risk of injury compared to other fitness disciplines. Examples of CrossFit injuries that turn up include Herniated disks, plus muscle and tendon ruptures,

Challenging Technique. A lot of CrossFit movements come from gymnastic and Olymip weight lifting. These sports take many years to perfect. It can be very hard for individuals that do not have any background in these disciplines to perfect these movements. There are many benefits to these performing these movements correctly! This is included as a con because it goes together with the risk of injury if you cannot master these movements and now you are racing to do them as fast as possible in your WOD.

Peer Pressure. One of the Pro’s was the strong CrossFit Community. This can also be a con if you have individuals encouraging others to try weights or movements that they are not ready to do. As it will lead to injury.

Here you have commentary from a CrossFit Trainer, pro’s and cons of the sport. We have laid down the facts, now you decide. Is CrossFit Good or Bad?