Progress Stopped? Learn How to Break a Strength Plateau

Have You Hit A Wall?

Watch the video above or read the summary below to learn steps you can take to break past plateaus.

Often times when people start working out they see extremely fast or “beginner gains” where basically anything you do will help you see improvements in strength. Eventually your progress may start to slow and you will need to address factors that might be causing this. Plateaus are also common for seasoned advanced lifters as your progress slows down the closer you get to your genetic potential.

The Decision Matrix

We will not get into the fine details of programming but will talk about factors that you should look at before jumping into changing or adding volume to your program.

Are you still Improving?

Yes – Don’t change anything

No :

  • Are you getting enough sleep e.g. 8 hours a night?
  • Are you getting the right nutrients and enough protein 1.2 -1.6 g /kg of body-weight

Once you have fixed that run another mesocycle

Still having problems?

  • Are you always tired?
  • Not looking forward to your workouts?
  • load/reps decreasing?

If No then look to upping your total volume

If Yes – Take a deload week and let your body and your mind rest and recover.