Learn How to Do a Backflip

Learn How To Do a Backflip

Backflips are a very explosive movement which requires a great deal of strength. Having strong and explosive leg muscles is very beneficial. Exercises like a deadlift would be great for building strength the deadlift is one of the most effective ways to build strength and force output which can translate to a backflip.

Core and abdominal strength is very important. As you are jumping and rotating your core has to keep your trunk stable and your abs and hip flexors work to draw your legs towards your body.


Proper hip mobility is important as the first stage in your jump requires a good amount of hip extension.

Getting  Over The Fear

Doing a flip can be very intimidating! There are ways you can make it a little less scary.

  1. Practice jumping into a foam pit
  2. Practice jumping into  water
  3. Get the feel on a trampoline
  4. Practice jumps elevated so you do not have to jump as high
  5. When you are ready and confident practice from the ground!

There can be a high risk of energy when practicing back flips always take proper precautions. Practicing in a professional facility with a professional would be your best bet.

Check out the video below!