Learn How To Fix Your Shoulder Pain

girl rolling out

Don’t let shoulder pain hinder your workouts. We will get deep and address the shoulder capsule in order to help you fix, maintain and foster a healthy shoulder joint

There are many different factors that contribute to shoulder pain.

A lot of lifters will also experience distress in their shoulder. A common trend we see in some of these lifters is that they focus way too much on pushing exercises like bench and shoulder press while leaving out the pulling exercises. What this does is create imbalances where your anterior pecs and deltoids are a lot stronger then your posterior muscles causing impingement and internal rotation of the shoulder.

Bad habits we create during the day also lead to shoulder pain. Often times we sit for long periods of time either driving, at a desk job, using our cell phones. When we do these tasks we get lazy and our shoulders default into the bad internal rotation position.

Some of the solutions to these problems would be to spend time everyday stretching your chest muscles and spending more time in the gym strengthening  the muscles which retract your shoulder like your rear delts and rhomboids.

What do we do when that is not enough?

Watch the video below? We will take you through how to create more space in your shoulder capsule in order to alleviate shoulder pain.



These stretches are great because they go beyond your muscles and address your shoulder capsule. If you have an extremely tight shoulder capsule stretching your anterior chest and shoulder muscles may provide temporary relief. You will have to address your shoulder capsule directly to find a long term fix.


Do you need tools to help with stretching? Below are two of our staff pics.