How You Can Achieve Optimal Gut Health

gut health

Author – Luana Marchi

As a Gut Health Specialist, there are a couple of ways you can improve your gut health with easy additions to your daily routine including:

1.     Probiotic supplements:

 I’m a big fan of probiotics due to my history with gut problems, so I was excited to see Vmores release the Dash probiotic, which is actually 10 billion active probiotics to keep my gut happy and healthy, with scientific research addressing that the right gut bacteria helps with weight management and body fat loss. I’m currently working with Vmores who are actually the first and only Australian supplement brand to bring freeze-dried technology to Australia, which is an exciting advance in this market! So, what is freeze-dried? Early uses of freeze-dry technology include aerospace, military medication and food because of its high cost. It was also used in WWII for penicillin and by NASA in the 50s and 60s for food. Freeze-dried is an exciting preparation technology that enhances the preservation of bioactive compounds and protects heat sensitive nutrients such as Vitamin C and probiotics. Using freeze dried technology is ideal for probiotic formulas as it enables a longer shelf life and helps maintain higher viability in more beneficial amounts.

2.     Add probiotic foods into your diet

It is so important to add probiotic rich foods into your diet to achieve good gut health. Some probiotic rich foods you can add include: kombucha, natural yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and kimchi. Adding these foods will give you a multitude of benefits including: a stronger immune system, improved digestion, improved energy, healthier respiratory system, healthier skin (eczema, psoriasis, allergies) and weight loss. The lack of good bacterias in your digestive tract affects your bodies ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Some of the side effects of not having enough probiotics include: digestive disorders, skin issues, autoimmune disease, low immunity, and frequent colds, flus and sinus.