4 Fitness Trends We Can Leave Behind This Year

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Trends we can leave behind in the last decade

The fitness industry has always been very trendy. It seems like every year there is a new diet, workout, or gadget that is “above all”! Unfortunately many people will fall for the fancy marketing or the “easy way to fit” schemes.

Let’s talk about some fitness trends we can leave behind moving into the new decade.

  1. Diet Cults
  2. Gimmicks & Gadgets
  3. Copying Celebrity Instagram Workouts
  4. Some Women That Believe Weight Lifting Will Make You Bulky

Diet Cults

What are we referring to with diet cults? Let’s start with a checklist of common features diet cults usually have:

  • They have a name
  • People/advocates claim it’s the best
  • Followers are emotionally attached
  • It’s restrictive or demonizes specific nutrients

Many of these diets have popped up from Paleo, to Atkins to Vegan diets. Yes sometimes there can be a specific reason to follow a diet. But if your only reason is that you heard it’s the best out there and it’s the only way to eat you probably fall under that diet cult and might want to think twice.

We believe an agnostic approach to nutrition is usually the better alternative where you are not limiting a specific nutrient or over indulging in nutrients either. You are getting a nice balance of the different macro and micro nutrients.

If you are looking for a good read we would recommend Diet Cults by Matt Fitzgerald. It discusses a lot of major diets overtime discussing benefits and disadvantages from a non bias perspective.

To close off this point, yes a lot of people have success with what we refer to as diet cults. But if there is no health reason for example like an allergy there usually isn’t a health benefit in restricting major nutrients like most of these diets do. So our main point is to avoid the rhetoric that it’s the only way to live or eat.

Looking for help with Nutrition consult with a nutrition coach.

2. Gimmicks and Gadgets

When you turn on your television and head over to the infomercials there is always some sort of new equipment claiming it’s all you need to get fit. We have seen a lot of gadgets over the years from shake weights, to ab blasting waist belts.

The allure of these gimmicks is simple it provides an easier way to get fit. Let’s stop right there, that is usually the first red flag telling you to drop that product.

Sometime you will just have to commit to eating healthier and exercising more to hit your fitness goals. Crazy thought isn’t it?

3. Doing Celebrity Instagram Workouts

“If I do what Kim Kardashian did in her story, my butt will look like hers right”? Often times we see celebrities that look great and have famous trainers so we assume whatever they are doing must be the best workout option. You must cater your workouts towards your own personal goal and avoid getting caught doing something without purpose because you saw it on Instagram

4. Women Thinking Resistance Training Will Turn You Into The Hulk

In short it won’t , hit the weights .

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