Happy Shoulders! How to fix Shoulder Pain

Shoulder stretch

Your shoulders are a ball and socket joint with a lot going on. It is important to take proper care of your shoulders in order to keep them healthy, happy and avoid shoulder pain.

Factors that contribute to shoulder pain

There are many factors the lead to shoulder pain, we will go over a few of the common factors. A lot of individuals sit down for prolonged periods in the day and while doing common activities such as driving, texting, desk work they sit in a hunched position and your shoulders become internally rotated. This keeps your shoulders in a constant state of flexion and as a result your chest muscles become tight. Another example is seen in individuals which  place more emphasis on their chest and anterior delt muscles when they are working out. Chest muscles become really tight and  the muscles which pull your shoulder back become weak. This will contribute to shoulder pain.

How to fix Shoulder pain

There are three factors it is important to address with shoulder health

  1. Shoulder capsule
  2. Tight muscles
  3. Weak muscles

Check out the video below to learn how to address each factor and keep your shoulders happy!

Generally most individuals need to stretch the anterior structures surrounding their shoulders like your chest and strengthen the muscles at the back like your rear delts and any external rotators of your shoulder.

Balance is the key to everything, use these tools and keep your shoulders happy!