Go Past The Plank: Ab Exercises

Plank is a great ab exercise because the function of your abdominal muscles is stabilization and the plank trains your abs using an isometric contraction while they are stabilizing your body.

Go Past the Plank

Here are two plank progressions which will create more of a challenge to your abdominal workouts.

If you can hold a plank for over a minute you should start looking into plank progressions.

The first variation you will see in the video works your abdominals and your whole core through stabilization and rotation.

The second variation is a progression off of the side plank.

Both variations cause you to work your abdominals through a movement. This is important for most athletes as you need to be able to activate and keep your core strong and engaged through movement when you are playing and training. This makes both exercises very functional for athletes.

Watch the video below


Strengthen your Core Safely

You will not get a 6 pack from only doing these exercises, you will also have to incorporate a good diet and overall weight loss plan. But it will help to create definition and you will train your inner abdominal muscles including the transverse abdominis, which helps to protect your internal organs.

These exercises are also safe because they don’t require spinal flexion like crunches, making them a better alternative for people with existing back pain.

Better Poster

You will be working your entire core which includes the muscles of your trunk from your pelvic girdle to the shoulder girdle. These muscles help to stabilize your body and when strengthened will help you stand up straighter. Good posture contributes to better alignment and less muscular imbalances.

Additionally, this will also help to mitigate back pain. Strong abdominal muscles support your posture and share the load of keeping your body upright, this will take pressure off of your lower back and reduce back pain.

Movement and Coordination

Planks and plank variations help your body’s muscles to work together as a unit. When you play sports having strong abdominals will help with your balance and coordination.