Benefits Of The Deadlift


Pick up the weight and put it back down, sound simple enough?

Deadlifting is one of the best exercises for athletes wanting to get faster, stronger and become an overall more powerful athlete.

Take many different skills required in sports which include jumping, running, throwing or hitting. They start from power input created from pushing off the ground.  If you can create more force from the ground, you will be more effective at these skills.

The deadlift is a compound exercise which works most of your posterior chain. It will strengthen your legs, hips and back. Additionally, it will help those major muscle groups work together, which is very important for athletes.


Personally deadlifting is one of my favourite exercises and I truly practice what I preach. Check out my Deadlift Pr below. 655lbs.


Here is a list of some of the top deadlift benefits:

  1. Trains Multiple Muscle groups
  2. Builds Muscle & Strength
  3. Help Prevent Injuries (done correctly- good form)
  4. Functional, Practical & Useful
  5. Build Speed & Explosiveness