4 Great Shoulder Stretches: Improve Mobility

shoulder stretches and yoga

4 Great Shoulder Stretches

Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint, many people experience shoulder pain from a number of factors. Additionally, some of these factors include overuse, muscular imbalances and tight muscles.

Check out these 4 exercises which will help to improve shoulder mobility and decrease shoulder pain.

  1. Banded Overhead Lat Stretch
  2. Banded Chest Stretch
  3. Banded Front Rack Stretch
  4. Banded Shoulder Capsule

See all the stretches in the video below

Looking for a resistance band to perform this mobility drills? Check out this resistance band review.

The banded overheard lat stretch

This will stretch out the major muscle groups behind your shoulder. The main target will be your lats.  Next, this is a very important muscle to stretch because your lats are internal rotators of your shoulder. Meaning they can contribute to excessive internal rotation causing muscular imbalances and pain. To highlight a visual picture people with extreme internal rotation will get that hunchback look in their upper body.

Banded chest stretch

Great shoulder stretch which will target the front of your shoulders mainly your pectorials. Furthermore, this will be of importance when you do any push exercises like bench press or push ups.

Banded Front Rack Stretch

The banded front rack stretch is really great for individuals and athletes that struggle to hold the bar up and maintain a good shoulder position during front squats.

Banded Shoulder Capsule

Use this variation to help to hold your shoulder in an overall good position and will also stretch your anterior delts.

Sit all day in an office? Check out how to loosen up your hips.

Yoga Stretching