Wow, Nike’s New Microclimate Chair Has Revolutionary Potential For Athlete’s

There is no surprise to athlete’s when you hear the phrase “keep warm.”

Athlete’s will often perform dynamic warm ups before games, wear compressive sleeves, or even hit the stationary bike while they are off the field to stay warm. After intense activity is stopped muscles and ligaments become sedentary which can greatly affect the athlete’s body.

Nike has a new invention the “microclimate chair” although it is only a prototype the technology can have very positive impact for athlete’s.

The chair has 70 devices that either heat or cool down. It can let an athlete cool their spine while warming the major muscle groups. The Chair also has a feature which can remove humidity around the athlete creating an atmosphere allowing the athlete to be ready to come back to the game.

It is not certain if the chair will become a reality, but it has the potential to limit injuries and keep athletes at peak performance.