Single Leg Strength For Athletes

Building Single Leg Strength can have many benefits for athletes.

Why Should Athletes Train Unilaterally?

Most actions completed in sports are done in either a split stance or by pushing off of one leg. If we play this way it makes sense to train that way.

Bulgarian split squats


Single leg training helps to correct  imbalances. Additionally, it helps you produce force equally from both sides of your body. Your body is forced to develop stabilizers you wouldn’t normally stimulate during bilateral exercises. Creating a more balanced body will help decrease the risk of injury.


Yes you can lift more doing bilateral exercises. Single leg exercises help contribute to good strength and muscle gains. Generally they tend to work more muscles. Additionally, you can manipulate actions you may be performing in your sport like jumping off of one leg.

We are not saying only train with single leg exercises. Be dynamic in your approach supplement your bigger lifts with these exercises to see the best results

Check out the video below for some ways to improve single leg strength.

Get your own sets of dumbells and you can do single leg deadlifts at home

Looking for a great way to add resistance to your legs? check out these ankle weights