Should You Always Use a Mix Grip Deadlifting?

Deadlift Grips

There are 3 main deadlift grips.

  • Double overhand
  • Mixed grip
  • Hook grip

One of the more popular deadlift grips is the mixed grip one hand pronated and the other supinated. Mixed grip is a lot stronger than double overhand as it helps to prevent the bar from rolling in your hands. Unfortunately the grip can lead to muscular imbalances. For this reason try not to only use mixed grip for all of your deadlift workouts.

When pulling using a mixed grip it can cause a tendency to slightly twist while you are ascending with the weight. The side with the supinated hand (palm facing up) will tend to rotate forward and the pronated hand (palm facing down) will rotate backwards.

If you only use mixed grip once in a while – mainly for your top set you shouldn’t have too much of a problem. So mix it up with double overhand. If you are having grip issues with double overhand then try and get comfortable with hook grip.

Hook grip will be a lot less comfortable especially when starting out as it may hurt until you get used to it.

Hook grip includes trapping/hooking your thumb between the barbell and usually your first 2-3 fingers. If you can get comfortable with hook grip with will be a very stable grip!

Learn how to hook grip by watching the video below!

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