Overrated or Underrated | Powerlifting Edition

Here is our fun take on the Overrated or Underrated game…Powerlifting edition!

Accessory exercises – properly rated. There are a lot of lifters that understand the value of accessories. On the other hand, you get the camp that swears by only doing their meat and potatoes. Next, the camp that over values looking for the prefect accessory exercise which will fix their sticking point. Strength training is a skill and although accessory exercises are important you have to focus on specificity of the movement you trying to improve.

Baby powdering your legs – overrated – I use baby powder on my legs only in competition. The idea behind using baby powder is to create the least amount of resistance for the bar when deadlifting. On the other hand I never use baby powder in training. Furthermore, I haven’t noticed a difference from when I use it in competition. I’m not saying don’t use it but that’s my reasoning for calling it overrated.

Smelling Salts – Overrated – To be honest I’ve never used smelling salts to get pumped up for a lift yet. So I can’t completely have an informed decision. I have had a very successful powerlifting career without using smelling salts.

Sumo Deadlifts – 100 percent overrated – I’m playing around with this answer. I am a conventional deadlifter. But I have nothing against sumo pullers in actuality.

Excessive Bench Arch – properly rated – I am honestly so jealous of people that have excessive bench arches. They get a lot of hate from the general population. Furthermore, the majority of powerlifters that say if they had the ROM for a big arch they wouldn’t do it are fat liars! You will ultimately do whatever you can within the rules to win if you are a competitive athlete.

Deadlift Slippers – Underrated – I absolute love my deadlift slippers. They look like ballerina shoes but keep you nice and close to the ground. Additionally they are light weight. I think they are amazing!

Quarantine body weight exercises – overratedThis has obviously been a crazy year and many people have to resort to home bodyweight workout because of gym closures. I think they are better than nothing and everyone should regularly exercises with the means that are available to you. The reason I say overrated is specifically for strength athletes. As there were many trainers touting they had solution to help you get stronger without weight. In order to get stronger you need resistance training and progressive overload!