How To Optimize Your Step Ups

step ups

Learn How to Optimize Your Step Ups

First let’s talk a bit about the exercise. Step ups are a great way to build and strengthen your legs. There are many variations of the exercise and you can vary the focus from cardio to strength.


A step up is a unilateral leg exercise so you are working one leg at a time. This can help to improve muscular imbalances as you can train each leg independently. Additionally, it helps to improve balance. |Your stabilizers are working and you have to keep your core strong in order to maintain the proper position.

Step ups can help to increase your overall strength and also help to improve on some of your big lifts like squats and deadlifts. Sometimes plateaus are hit on bilateral exercises because you favor stronger muscles or links in the chain. Unilateral movements can help to strengthen the weaker movements and in turn will improve your bigger lifts.

Explosive Power
Step Ups will target fast twitch muscle fibres which will translate to increased strength and explosive power. You can use step ups in your program if you are training for speed and want to get faster as it mimics the drive phase.

Watch the video below to find out the best way to do step ups!