How To Progress Past Deadlift Sticking Points

Deadlift sticking points are frustrating! We want to help your get past them! There are a few key areas they usually occur including:

  1. Off the ground
  2. Around the knee
  3. Lockout

Stuck at the ground

Do you struggle getting off the ground with your deadlift? If this is your sticking point chances are it will be an underlying strength issue. Luckily we do have other solutions you can address that will help.

3 Factors to address deadlift problems off the ground

  1. Setup – hip positioning
  2. Setup – pulling the slack out of the bar
  3. Accessory Exercise – Rack Pulls

Watch the video above to see an explanation and video of these factors!

Hip Positioning

When it comes to hip positioning a common error is setting up too low. When this occurs you will see increased movement at the hip before the bar starts to move. When this happens you are expending unneeded energy which is not contributing toward moving the barbell.

Pulling The Slack Out Of The Bar

Pulling the slack out of the bar is an important part of your setup. A strong deadlift is a combination of strength, skill, technique, power and coordination.

Pulling the slack out of the bar refers to the relationship created with your body the bar and the floor by creating tension prior to actually lifting the weight.

How to pull the slack out of the bar

Deficit Deadlifts

Deficit deadlifts are a great way to increase your strength off the ground. They are done by standing on an elevated platform. Common heights are between 1-3 inches. This will increase the range of motion you are required to lift. And since you are starting at a lower point than a regular deadlift, it will better help you to get stronger when you translate back to regular deadlifts.

Please note deficit deadlifts are not recommended for individuals with poor hip mobility as it will be harder to get into a good starting position.

Check out the How to deadlift definitive guide!

Deadlift sticking point around the knee

Check out the video below if your sticking point is at the knee.

There can be a number of reasons causing you to buckle at this point in the lift which include:

  • Form breakdown
  • Strength deficiencies such as hamstrings
  • lack of velocity/speed
  • Fear of first sight of struggle

Deadlift Sticking Point – The Lockout

Failing the deadlift at the lockout is often because of weaker glutes and erector spinae.

Some exercises that can help include:

  • Glute Bridge
  • Rack pulls
  • Good mornings

If you are looking for a great rpe based program to help you get stonger in the squats, bench deadlifts try this strength program.

If you want a more hands on approach with a great coach sign up for strength coaching.

I hope this article was helpful in helping you to get over your deadlift sticking points!