Full Body Explosive Workout: Power Exercises


Get Explosive with These Power Exercises

If you want to get faster, stronger and build power in your movements you have to train with explosive movements.  This workout will go through 5 exercises which will help you do that.


  1. Explosive muscle ups – this is an advanced movement where at the top of the muscle up when your arms are in full extension press off of the bar into the air. Catch the bar and repeat the muscle up.
  2. Explosive Pullups – With this pull up variation you will be pulling the bar towards your waist.  The movement requires a high degree of strength and speed to execute it properly
  3. Sled Push & Pull – This is a great exercise for conditioning. The combination of sled push and pull is a great way to build your legs. Sled push primarily targets your quads and sled pull primarily works your hamstrings.
  4. Single Leg Box Jumps – Another great leg exercise . This will work your legs unilaterally which will help to decrease muscular imbalances. Aditionally, it will help to increase your vertical jump.
  5. Medicine Ball rotational slams- Target your upper body, abs and obliques with this great workout finisher.

See the full workout in the video below

Exercise Progressions Explosive Muscle ups & Pull ups

Some of these exercises are advanced movements. So let’s go over some progressions if you are not here yet.

Explosive Muscle ups

– Make sure you can at least do 10 strict pull-ups with good form before getting into muscle ups

– You should be able to do 10 muscle-ups with good form before getting into the explosive muscle ups.

Explosive Pull ups

–  Get comfortable doing regular pull ups

– You lat pull downs to practice the motion of driving weight straight down

– Work towards getting your full head over the bar, then chest to the bar, then waist.

Full Workout

  1. Explosive Muscle ups 3 sets x 6- 8 reps
  2. Explosive Pull ups 3 sets x 6 – 8 reps
  3. Sled Push & pull 3 sets
  4. Single leg box jumps 3 sets x 6-8 reps
  5. medicine ball rotational slams 3 sets 6-8 reps