Canadian Central Championships Powerlifting Meet 2018 My Results & Inside Scoop

Canadian Central Championships Powerlifting

The Canadian Central Championships took place the weekend of August 24th. All in all it turned out to be a successful meet. I hit the numbers I was shooting for going into the competition. The only lift that did not go to plan was my deadlifts because my handler wanted to give me a chance of placing second knowing I couldn’t place worse than third. This ultimately lead to an almost World Record Deadlift attempt which was my only miss of the day.

I kept my squats and bench more on the conservative side in order to leave more room in the tank for my deadlifts. Furthermore, deadlifts are my strongest lift which I can usually rely on to gain some ground in competition.


I had a great prep leading up to competition. I was training 6 days a week for about an 1-2 hours each day. Additionally, I had multiple mobility sessions and weekly Physiotherapy sessions in order to make sure my joints stay healthy as I was still recovering from a couple soccer injuries.

I also did a practice water cut just to get a sense of how my body would react to one. I lost about 5 pounds through the 7 day process of heavily increasing my water and salt intake then cutting it out at the end of the week.  Below is a before and after picture of my water cut you can see the top photo I look a little bit more defined.

kafui powerlifting before and after photo

Weekend Of The Competition

The Weekend of the competition I was so nervous I lost almost 5 pounds. It was hard to eat as I had to force food down and I wasn’t feeling the greatest. I weighed in around 80kg for my 83kg weight class. The weight loss was a little bit of a scare because during training I was strongest when I was around 84 kg but luckily the weight loss didn’t affect my lifts too much and my prep still paid off in the end.


If you haven’t already you can watch the full meet in the video at the top of this article! I went 8/9 with my lifts placing third overall.

bench press