Can Straight Leg Deadlifts Be Done With A Slight Bend In The Knees?

strong sportswoman lifting barbell while working out in gym

Yes! Straight leg deadlifts can be done with a slight bend in your knees. I would recommend having a slight bend in your knee as opposed to having your legs completely locked out.

What are straight leg deadlifts?

Straight leg deadlifts are a deadlift variation where you maintain fairly straight legs when utilizing the deadlift hinge pattern. It will still work your posterior chain like a conventional deadlift. The emphasis will be on your glutes and hamstrings. Most people cannot deadlift as much weight when doing the straight leg variation.

Personally I use the straight leg deadlift as an accessory exercise to my conventional deadlift.

Give the exercise a go and see if you like it.

Learn to ABC’s of deadlifting here