Boxing Demo with TNT Fitness and Boxing Academy


Guelph’s premier progressive boxing & fitness program.

TNT Fitness and Boxing Academy is a great location if you want learn how to box or train Functionally.boxing logo

Owner Joel Yip Chuck answered some questions about his facility and took me through a quick demo.


Kafui – “Tell us about yourself and why you got into boxing?”

Joel – “It is an individual sport, I wanted to compete and I really loved the individual aspect of boxing.”

Kafui – “Can you tell me about the clientele at your facility?”

Joel – “For the most part mainly boxers, people also come in for general fitness. We get youth, teenagers, university students and clients as old as 70. Additionally, we train athletes and people looking for cross training including NHL players and pro basketball players. Cross-training is one of the biggest benefits for non boxers.”

Kafui – “How do you differentiate from other gyms in the area.”

Joel – “The biggest thing is we don’t necessary need to use weights. All of the movements are functional, athletes are getting what they need. Most importantly we teach people how to move properly and how to move like a boxer.”

Check out the demo below

Great place to train and learn how to box!

Visit TNT Boxing and Fitness Academy’s Website

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The TNT Difference from Sandy Clipsham on Vimeo.

Muscles Being Worked When Boxing

The main muscles being worked when throwing a punch are your pectorals (chest). Your deltoids and triceps are also being engaged.


Your core muscles including your abdominal muscles, waist and lower back are involved. When you take a punch your spine twists to help generate power. The muscles which facilitate twisting are your obliques. Additionally, your rectus abdominis more commonly known as your abs, braces your spine to ensure your midsection does not collapse.

A lot of training for Boxing includes functional full body type workouts and circuits focusing on muscular endurance and developing your cardiovascular systems.