How To Barbell Bent Over Row


Barbell Bent Over Row

Barbell bent over row is a great compound exercise, which helps to to build strength and muscle in your back. It is one of the best exercises when it comes to lat activation. Additionally, it can be a great assistance exercise in helping to develop your deadlift.

Watch the video below to learn how to effectively do the exercise. Includes cues, tips, and common faults.

The Steps

1. Start in a standing position either holding the bar using a double overhand or underhand grip. Double overhand grip will target more of your upper back, compared to an underhand grip which will also engage more of your biceps.

2.Hinge forward pushing your glutes back until your torso is parallel with the floor. Drive your elbows up and behind the body while keeping your shoulder blades retracted.

3.Pull the bar towards your belly button. If you are trying to build muscle focus on a slow eccentric movement which will create more time under tension. For strength after each pull start from the ground focus on an explosive pull up to your body.

Primary muscles being worked – Upper back

Secondary muscles – abs (stabilization), biceps

Common Mistakes

  1. Standing too upright- if you are standing at a 45 degree angle and turning the exercise into a variation of an upright row you will be getting the full benefits from the exercise.
  2. Rounding your back – when lifting with a rounded back your are lifting at a compromised position and putting extra stress on your lower back which can lead to injuries. Keep your core tight and back straight