Download “Returning To The Gym - Powerlifting Plan” Re-Introduction-Back-To-The-Gym-Powerlifting-3.xlsx – Downloaded 228 times – 179.40 KBAs many gyms are re-opening a lot of strength athletes are resuming training. This program is designed for individuals returning to training after a long layover.
It is designed to help you re-gain lost strength as fast as possible in a practical manner which will not cause you to burn out but will still allow you to adequately challenge yourself in order to re-cover lost strength. Please note that this is a template designed to work for broad population so it is not individualized. For best results sign up for our Strength Coaching.
How Does The Program Work?
- You will notice that at the start of each week for your first squat bench and deadlift there is sub max single at either rpe 7 or 8 assigned. Make sure to stick to the rpe as it should be challenging but you shouldn’t need to grind out the lift and you should have 2-3 more reps left in the tank after that single of that weight you lifted.
- With the following sets I have assigned a percentage range and rpe. Base the percentage range off that single which is your training baseline. You can use the percentage ranges or use the rpe scale if the percentage feels to easy or hard.
- I added some recommended areas to focus on for your accessory movements after you squat bench and deadlift. You can fill in those spots with areas you feel you need to focus on. I would recommend higher reps to focus on hypertrophy and gaining back lost muscle mass.
Need more?
If you need more guidance feel free to sign up for our Strength coaching options. If you finish this into program and are looking for additional options we also have a 16-week strength program available for purchase.
Any questions please email
(what is rpe – rate of perceived exertion the scale goes from 1-10. 1 being extremely easy and 10 being your max. An example if you have a rpe of 7 you should have 3 more reps left in the tank).